This week, we visited a few villagers and were able to see where they get their water from. This first photo is of an open well, with a bucket that can be lowered down to fill with water. This is close to one family's home, but a longer walk for many who live multiple km away!

Alissa took a turn at carrying a bucket full of water. It was a rather long walk, on a sandy road! What a challenge!!

This was one of the local women filling up the bucket... imagine trying to do that when pregnant!! This hole was about a foot deep. They said that it would fill about 3 buckets, then took about an hour to refill!

Carrying water back up the hill from the creek...

Filling our buckets up at the creek!

It was a big reminder of all that we take for granted... clean water in bottles IN THE FRIDGE, or coming out of the tap! Safe "instant" water - a privilege or a right??
It's rained a couple times over the past week. The bugs are out in full force... flying termites, misquitoes, etc. Six of the group have already battled malaria over the past 5 weeks, we are praying that this influx of mosquitoes does not cause any others to fall ill!!
We've started to say our Goodbye's. The tears have begun to flow. It is hard to believe we're leaving Choma this coming Thursday and then starting our flight back to the US the following Monday! The students are working hard to finish all their papers and projects!!
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