Thursday, October 11, 2012

Top 10 Lessons Learned Driving in Italy

First let me introduce my favorite Mercedes "Putt-Putt".  He proved is worth  many a time with great pick up, good reflexes and was the perfect size for Italian village roads and parking spaces!!  Here we'd stopped halfway down a mountain (more or less the edge of a parking lot) to say hello to our first sheep sighting of the trip.  Yeah for the emergency break!! :)
Driving Italian roads and Autostradas was as much of an adventure as I'd been warned, but oddly enough a thrill quite to my liking!!  Here's a pic of the beginning of one of the many monsoons I drove through!!

So here's what I learned:

1) BEWARE of the Autovelox (Radar speed trap photo box) - there may be signs, but they are EVERYWHERE!!

2) If trying to leave town, follow the green signs, they will get you to the big roads that just might be visible on printed maps!

3) White signs with black bulls-eyes will lead to the center of town = tourist spots.

4) Brown and white signs are probably just what you're looking for!

5) Lanes are MERE suggestions.

6) When the car behind starts to cuddle your back side, it's just a kind reminder you're driving too slow, and move to the granny lane on your right.

7) Roundabouts are particularly educational the fourth time around!

8) Yield signs give right of way to the owner of the bigger cojones!

9) Autostrada restrooms are of the "bring your own toilet seat" variety.


10) The views are ALWAYS worth the drive!!!!


Kirsten said...

Hilarious! Love the round-about comment. At least you can keep going around and around until you figure it out! =) Great to read and see a little more about the trip.

Unknown said...

hilarious, Lisa, and I can just SEE YOU saying all this!!
will remember this NEXT TIME I'm in Italy, altho since it took us 20+ years to get there, I'm pretty sure it will be aWHILE before we get there again!!
Thanks for sharing!