Refilling happens in my life in many ways. Reading God's words. Spending time focused on His attributes - in silence, with words, through music. Taking my concerns, my pain, my hopes, my joys and placing them in His capable hands - sometimes "prying" my fingers off first!!:) But in turn, God fills my heart with peace, comfort and joy - peace that's not logical, comfort in the midst of pain and confusion, and joy even in times of sorrow.
The past week here in DC God has also used conversations to build up, comfort and encourage my soul. Opportunities to share about the many blessings and miracles I have seen God work in my life over the past 6+ months. Opportunities to hear what God has been doing in the lives of friends! Reminders - bright pictures - of His faithfulness, deep love and constant support - in the midst of hardships and blessings.
It amazes me to look back over the past year and see how even last January I had no interest -AT ALL - in moving away from DC, and yet God has really changed my attitude and now I have peace and a sense of excited anticipation toward this move! I am grateful for these days to say Goodbye - for now - to precious friends. A great last paragraph to this chapter of my life! Thanks God!!!
In the midst of this joy and gratefulness, my heart is breaking for the people of Haiti. Watching the photos on the news brings tears to my eyes. What heartache, pain and confusion. Pray with me that God's hand of comfort and His strength would be felt. And that He would give wisdom in the many difficult decisions being made in the midst of such confusion and chaos. The Livesays are living in Haiti and are sharing their experience here...
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